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DATOW Software's

Internet Special

Save $100.00 !!!

*** How it works ***

We are pleased to see that many of you have web sites of your own. Some are simple little sites and some are rather large and complex. In either case, we applaud your efforts and we want to encourage you to keep up the good work. Also, we would like to see more towing related sites on the internet.

The DATOW Software Internet Special is this: We will deduct


from any order you place with DATOW (except the Full Function Demo) in return for you providing a link to our web site from your site. It does not have to be a graphic; a simple link will do. If you need help doing this, we would be glad to assist.

This offer applies to new purchases, new rentals, updates, upgrades and more. About the only thing we cannot apply this to is the purchase of a Full Function Demo (since it is only $25.00 and since we want these links to be from active users) and we cannot apply this to CA DMV billing.

You agree to maintain this link for at least 1 year and you agree to make the link reasonably accessible. That is, not buried six levels deep or using colors that make it unreadable.


If a new user tells us that they found DATOW Software because of your link or your recommendation, your account will be credited with AT LEAST $50.00. Could be more, based on the situation. Only one credit per new user purchase can be applied. So try to get the new buyer to tell us YOU sent them.

We are making this offer because we would rather grow because of your kind word-of-mouth referral and we would rather spend our advertising dollars by crediting our clients rather than sending checks to magazines.

All credits applied when compliance is confirmed. This offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice. So GET GOING! Don't miss out!

Re-Sellers and Consultants

We offer substantial commissions to individuals and businesses that sell our programs to the towing industry. The commission schedule is designed so that you can participate at whatever level you choose - From a simple referral to a completed sale with installation and first line support. The more involved you become, the bigger your commission. We can provide you with sales literature, demo software and leads in your area. NO cash outlay required. Experience with computers and the towing industry preferred. Contact us for details.

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